Dr. Seuss' The Lorax is a 2012 American computer-animated 3D musical comedy film based on Dr. Seuss' children's book The Lorax. It was produced by Illumination Entertainment and was released by Universal Pictures on March 2, 2012, the 108th birthday of Dr. Seuss.
Voice Cast[]
- The Lorax - Danny Devito
- The Once-Ler - Ed Helms
- Ted Wiggins - Zac Efron
- Audrey - Taylor Swift
- Mr. Sloysius O'Hare - Rob Riggle
- Ted's Mom - Jenny Slate
- and Betty White - Grammy Norma
- Once-ler's Mom - Nasim Pedrad
- 1st Marketing Guy - Joel Swetow
- 2nd Marketing Guy - Michael Beattie
- 1st Commercial Guy - Dave Mitchell
- 2nd Commercial Guy - Dempsey Pappion
- Aunt Grizelda - Elmarie Wendel
- Brett - Danny Cooskey
- Chet - Danny Cooskey
- Uncle Ubb - Stephen Tobolowsky
- Forest Animals - Chris Renaud
Additional Voices[]
- Newell Alexander
- Rosemary Alexander
- Steve Alterman
- Tom Amundsen
- Steve Apostolina
- Kirk Baily
- Mitch Carter
- Robert Clotworthy
- David Cowgill
- Eddie Frierson
- Don Fullilove
- Elisa Gabrielli
- Jackie Gonneau
- Luisa Leschin
- Edie Mirman
- Peter Renaday
- Michelle Ruff
- Claira Nichole Titman
The Lorax Featured Singers[]
- Beth Andersen
- Edie Lehmann Boddicker
- James Burney II
- Alvin Chea
- Randy Crenshaw
- Monique Donnelly
- Taylor Graves
- Melissa Hale
- Judith Hill
- Nick Jameson
- Gabriel Mann
- Dan Navarro
- Oliver Powell
- Louis Price
- Fletcher Sheridan
- Antonio Sol
- Tyrone Taylor
- Claira Nicole Titman