Hop is a 2011 American Easter-themed live-action/animated comedy family film from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment directed by Tim Hill and produced by Chris Meledandri and Michele Imperato Stabile. The film was released on April 1, 2011.
Voice Cast[]
- E.B. - Russell Brand
- Carlos/Phil - Hank Azaria
- and Hugh Laurie as E.B.'s Dad
- Young E.B. - Djabdo Marsh
- Voice of Playboy Mansion - Hugh Hefner
- Utility Voice - Rick Pasqualone
ADR Voice Actors[]
- David Arnott
- Andrea Baker
- Doug Burch
- Catherine Cavadini
- Vicki Davis
- John DeMita
- Liza de Weerd
- Greg Finley
- Jeffrey Todd Fischer
- Peggy Flood
- Aaron Fors
- Laura Gardner
- Willow Geer
- Anneliese Goldman
- Barbara Iley
- Carlyle King
- Daamen Krall
- Marsha Kramer
- Jeremy Maxwell
- David Michie
- Danielle Nicolet
- Levi Nunez
- Jason Pace
- Paige Pollack
- David J. Randolph
- Noreen Reardon
- Michael Swan
- Joel Swetow
- Andreana Weiner