Minions is a 2015 American computer animated comedy film Produced by Illumination Entertainment for Universal Pictures. The film was written by Brian Lynch, directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda, and produced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy. It was released on June 11, 2015.
- Scarlet Belcher - Sandra Bullock
- Herb Overkill - Jon Hamm
- Walter Nelson - Michael Keaton
- Madge Nelson - Allison Janney
- Professor Flux - Steve Coogan
- Tower Guard - Steve Coogan
- The Queen - Jennifer Saunders
- Narrator - Geoffrey Rush
- Young Gru - Steve Carrel
- The Minions - Pierre Coffin
- Tina - Katy Mixon
- VNC Announcer - Michael Beattie
- Walter JR. - Michael Beattie
- Sumo Villian - Hiroyuki Sanada
- Fabrice - Dave Rosenbaum
- Royal Advisor - Alex Dowding
- News Reporter - Paul Thornley
Additional Voices[]
- Newell Alexander
- Tom Amundsen
- Stephen F. Apostolina
- Kirk Baily
- Greg Berg
- Julianne Buescher
- Robert Clotworthy
- Makenna Cowgill
- Cooper Cowgill
- David Cowgill
- Randy Crenshaw
- Wendy Culter
- Terri Douglas
- Robin Atkin Downes
- Chris Edgerly
- Patrick Fraley
- Eddie Frierson
- Jackie Gonneau
- Nicholas Guest
- Archie Hahn
- Angela Haney
- Jason Harris
- Bridget Hoffman
- Wendy Hoffmann
- Rif Hutton
- Daniel Kaz
- David Kramer
- Anne Lockhart
- Susan Stevens Logan
- Mona Marshall
- Caitlin McKenna
- Scott Menville
- Rene Mujica
- Jonathan Nichols
- Paul Pape
- Jacquline Pinol
- Juan Pope
- Michelle Ruff
- Aaron Spann
- Justin Shenkarow
- Pepper Sweeney
- Fred Tatasciore