Sewer Urchin is a superhero from the animated series, The Tick. He is the sworn defender of The City's sewers and has a Rain Man-like personality, frequently utilizing interjections such as "Yeah," "Definitely," and "Very (something)." He is somewhat unpopular with many superheroes from the surface, including Die Fledermaus (who calls him "Stinky"), although the two are often seen socializing together. He Was voiced by Jess Harnell.
In "The Tick vs. Dot and Neil's Wedding," Sewer Urchin is revealed to have large supplies of rotten meat and a submarine, among other things. In another episode, "The Tick vs. Filth", The Tick and Arthur follow him into the sewer to fight an enemy. There, Sewer Urchin saves their lives, and they find out that he lives in a luxurious underground expanse, filled with things he found in the sewers (including a vast sum of money), and he is also revealed to have many crime-fighting gadgets and outfits. His personality is also less Rain Man-esque, the Sewer Urchin displaying that he has a rather sophisticated and more intelligent character and bearing when on his home turf. After one ordeal, The Tick tells him, "You are so cool down here!", to which Sewer Urchin affirms that he is "the apotheosis of cool."